The Best Souvenir Skins in CS2
In Counter-Strike 2, there are several types of skins: regular, StatTrak™, and souvenir skins. In this article, we'll discuss the best souvenir skins in CS2.
In Counter-Strike 2, there are several types of skins: regular, StatTrak™, and souvenir skins. In this article, we'll discuss the best souvenir skins in CS2.
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AWP | Dragon Lore CS2 skin is perhaps the most iconic skin in the history of Counter-Strike. This skin is a true work of art in the world of in-game items.
In this article, we'll dive into how the CS2 contract system works, explore its mechanics, and discuss some potentially profitable contracts you can try out.
Recently, CS2 Virtus.Pro’s captain, Jame, gave a candid interview where he discussed the ongoing challenges with integrating electronic into the team. Read on to know more about this.
In this article, we highlight key things to focus on when playing as the T-side in CS2.
ADR (Average Damage per Round):每回合平均伤害,表示玩家每回合对敌人造成的平均伤害。Rating Pro:通常指的是一个专门的评分系统,用于衡量玩家的整体表现,通常会依据多项数据(例如击杀、死亡、助攻等)进行加权评分。RWS (Round Win Share):回合胜利贡献,衡量玩家在比赛中对于队伍胜利的贡献,考虑了他们在获胜回合中的表现。WE(Win Effect):致胜评价分,衡量玩家对比赛胜利造成了多大影响。
Heroic主教练sAw认为团队的水平自休赛期以来出现了下滑HEROIC 在贝尔格莱德举办的赛事中排名垫底到目前为止, HEROIC本赛季的表现令人失望。这支欧洲队伍在BLAST秋季小组赛中表现不佳,之后又未能晋级IEM科隆正赛,随后又在Blast Showdown中彻底无缘本次的BLAST秋季决赛。在过去的一周中,他们经历了短暂的小幅复苏,接连获得四场系列赛的胜利,并顺利通关了 IEM里约站封闭式预选赛,但他们在塞尔维亚的线下赛事中依然遭遇了 困境,在 BetBoom Dacha Belgra