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Top 5 Features That Didn’t Make It Into CS2

Let’s recall some content that prematurely became public but remained just a finding in the game files. What are top 5 CS2 features that didn’t make it into the game?

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cs2 kz cfg (null, -w)

NULLalias fRelL "rightleft 0 0 0"alias fRelR "rightleft 0 0 0"alias fRelF "forwardback 0 0 0"alias fRelB "forwardback 0 0 0"alias +nMoveL "rightleft -1 0 0; alias fRelR rightleft -1 0 0"alias -nMoveL "fRelL ; alias fRelR rightleft 0 0 0"alias +nMoveR

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What are the odds of getting an expensive drop from a case in CS2?

In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at the different types of CS2 cases, the odds of getting various rare skins, and how the drop system works.

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How to Earn and Use Steam Points: A Comprehensive Guide

In this guide, we will delve into how to use Steam Points, as well as various strategies to help you get the most out of this system.

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Virtus.pro in Crisis: What to Do and How to Get Out of the Rut?

Virtus.pro in CS2, one of the most recognizable teams on the professional CS scene, is facing a crisis. The question is, what changes can help the team get out of the crisis?

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How the Item Drop System Works in CS2

In this article, we'll take a detailed look at how the CS2 drop system works, what items can drop, and how this might affect the game's economy and the community as a whole.

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New CS2 Update: Second Season or New Operation?

A recent September CS2 update, weighing around 200 MB, has caught the attention of players. Let's dive into the main changes and leaks found in the game files.

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Zont1x — The Genius in Donk's Shadow

This is the story of Miroslav CS2 "zont1x" Plakhotnyuk, one of the most promising players from the CIS region, whose name still doesn’t make the headlines as often as his colleagues.

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How Fnatic Forever Changed Counter-Strike

You’ve probably seen the moment when Fnatic in CS almost cleanly loses to LDLC a thousand times. Let’s see how Fnatic changed Counter-Strike.

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All Graffiti on Maps in CS2 and Their History

This article will focus on the graffiti on various maps in CS2 dedicated to incredible moments of players who left their mark on esports history.