Top 3 Small CS2 Features That Will Simplify Your Life


top 3 CS2 features to simplify gaming

1. How to Disable Animated Avatars in CS2

Animated avatars are a cool CS2 feature that many players enjoy. However, some players prefer to disable animations for various reasons: some find the constant movement distracting, others play on lower-end systems and don’t want to sacrifice FPS, and some are simply tired of the limited avatar selection.

To disable animated avatars, follow these steps:

  1. Open CS2 and go to the game settings in the upper left corner.

  2. Go to the "Game" tab and scroll down to the "Communication" section.

  3. In the "Communication" section, you will find two settings related to avatars:

You can disable animated avatars, which will then display only the first frame of the animation.

Alternatively, you can disable all avatars, in which case Valve-prepared images will be shown instead.

It has been tested on Reddit that animated avatars can increase GPU load by up to 15%, so disabling them can make the game more stable and smoother.

2. How to Remove Unnecessary Sounds in CS2

Background sounds on CS2 maps (such as cars, water, birds, etc.) can be distracting. There is a way to remove these sounds, helping you stay focused on the game.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to a special workshop map - stopsound.

  2. Start the game and enjoy the silence, hearing only player-generated sounds.

This can give you an advantage over opponents who continue to hear background sounds.

3. How to Turn a Regular Keyboard into a $300 Keyboard

Recently, Razer introduced a feature that makes strafing perfect and improves game responsiveness. There is a way to activate this feature through binds.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Create a file named autoexec.cfg in Notepad.

  • Move it to the game\csgo\cfg folder.

  • Insert the following commands into the autoexec.cfg file:

alias "checkfwd" ""

alias "checkback" ""

alias "checkleft" ""

alias "checkright" ""


alias "goForward" "-forward; +forward"

alias "goBack" "-back; +back"

alias "goLeft" "-left; +left"

alias "goRight" "-right; +right"


alias "+mfwd" "-back; +forward; alias checkfwd goForward"

alias "+mback" "-forward; +back; alias checkback goBack"

alias "+mleft" "-right; +left; alias checkleft goLeft"

alias "+mright" "-left; +right; alias checkright goRight"


alias "-mfwd" "-forward; checkback; alias checkfwd"

alias "-mback" "-back; checkfwd; alias checkback"

alias "-mleft" "-left; checkright; alias checkleft"

alias "-mright" "-right; checkleft; alias checkright"


bind "w" "+mfwd"

bind "s" "+mback"

bind "a" "+mleft"

bind "d" "+mright"

  • Add the following to your launch options: "+exec autoexec.cfg"

These three simple tricks will help you improve your CS2 gaming experience, making it more comfortable and enjoyable.

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